Hiddleston to play Great Escapo in The Muppets…Again!

by Josh | March 26, 2013 2:05 am

Muppets Henson[1] has discovered that Tom Hiddleston will appear in The Muppets…Again! as The Great Escapo. An eagle-eyed observer at the site noticed the actor’s resume at Hamilton Hodell, his agency, listed the sequel among his upcoming films. As The Muppet Mindset[2] reminds, Hiddleston has made no secret about his love for The Muppets (2011), particularly on Twitter, where he called it “one of the great films of the decade”.

  1. Muppets Henson: http://muppetshenson.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/tom-hiddleston-in-muppetsagain.html
  2. The Muppet Mindset: http://themuppetmindset.blogspot.com/2013/03/tom-hiddleston-to-partake-in-muppets.html

Source URL: https://animatedviews.com/2013/hiddleston-to-play-great-escapo-in-the-muppets-again/